Intro Example

ZoomAny.js is a JavaScript library for zooming any HTML Element, including Images, UI Elements and Videos.

Get Started


Install via NPM:

npm install zoom-any-js

Or via CDN:


Basic Usage

To get started, add the class "zoomable" to the element you want to enable zoom on:

<img class="zoomable" src="public/img.png">

NPM + Bundler:

import ZoomAnyJs from "zoom-any-js";
import "zoom-any-js/dist/zoom-any-js.css";

const zoom = new ZoomAnyJs()


<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="module">
    import ZoomAnyJs from ""

    const zoom = new ZoomAnyJs()

Now try to zoom into your image, it should start to zoom!



Method Description Parameters Returns
constructor Selects the DOM element to be manipulated using the provided selector. Adds event listeners and applies zoom. string (default=".zoomable") void
reset Resets the internal values of the zoom element to their default state. None void
getZoom Retrieves the current zoom level of the element. None number
setZoom Sets the current zoom level of the element. number void
setPos Sets the position values (x and y coordinates) for the element. object {x: number, y: number} void
getPos Retrieves the current position values (x and y coordinates) of the element. None object {x: number, y: number}
center Centers the element within its container, which can be the window or the element's parent. None void
fitToBounds Adjusts the position of the element to fit within its bounds based on the data-origin and data-bounds attributes. None void
zoomAt Zooms the element based on the given amplitude and position. number, object {x: number, y: number} void
addListeners Adds event listeners to the element for handling user interactions. None void
removeListeners Removes event listeners from the element to stop handling user interactions. None void
apply Applies the current transformation and position values to the element. None void
destroy Removes all listeners and CSS changes, reverting the element to its initial state. None void


Attribute Function Default
data-max-zoom Set maximum zoom 4000
data-min-zoom Set minimum zoom 10
data-bounds Enable fit to bound false
data-origin-parent Use the offsetParent as origin for fitting bounding. Else it uses window false



See the Pen ZoomAny.js Fullscreen by Ben Herbst (@BenHerbst) on CodePen.


See the Pen ZoomAny.js Fullscreen by Ben Herbst (@BenHerbst) on CodePen.


See the Pen ZoomAny.js Standalone by Ben Herbst (@BenHerbst) on CodePen.